Make sure that all warning lights are OFF after starting the engine. If any light is still ON, this indicates a situation that needs attention.
Hyundai Tucson (NX4) 2022-2025 Service Manual: Compressor oil
- Oil Specification
1.The R-134a or R-1234yf system requires synthetic (PAG) compressor
oil whereas the R-12 system requires mineral compressor oil. The two
oils must never be mixed.
2.Compressor (PAG) oil varies according to compressor model. Be sure to use oil specified for the model of c ...
Hyundai Tucson (NX4) 2022-2025 Owner's Manual: Highway Driving Assist
Highway Driving Assist display
The status of the Highway Driving Assist
operation appears in Driving Assist mode
on the instrument cluster. Refer to the
"View Modes" section in Chapter 4.
1 Indicates if there is a vehicle ahead
and the selected distance level
Highway Driving ...